How is it with your soul?

I am reposting this blog of a dream I had several years ago.  It is a dream that forever changed my view of life and death, and my heart for the love of Jesus.  Enjoy!


Me and my precious wife… Christmas 2014


(A true story)

It’s a very winding, treacherous dirt and gravel mountain road strewn with large boulders all along its edges. The sides drop steeply as the tall pines stretch towards the heavens. I see their tops blown and bristled against the distance in some places as we descend with ever increasing speed. It’s beginning to scare me along with everyone else in the car. I’m sitting in the front passenger seat while three others are crowded together in the back. We’re driving entirely too fast, and for whatever reason, our driver believes she can maintain control. Why she doesn’t slow down no one present in the car knows. With a cry of fear and terror, I beg her to slow down before we reach the next curve and large boulders that are our only means to prevent us from flying off the edge and into the abyss. She loses control and we careen into, onto and over the boulders. We all scream with terror and fear in anticipation of the long journey down and our inevitable death.

The screaming ceases, if only for a brief moment, as we realize we haven’t crashed down the 400-500 feet to the ground near the speck of a stream flowing there. I note that we have somehow, miraculously landed atop a towering pine. Turning to the group I tell them to hold on as we are about to lose our perch. Down, down, down… The screaming rings in my ears as we whirl in a plunging spiral towards the earth and death. It’s over! The car is crushed nearly flat as it landed top down with full impact.

I’m aware of people milling around the car and paramedics tending to my friends. I’m being pulled from the car even as I watch from a short distance. My body is bloody and crushed. I mutter aloud that I don’t understand how we weren’t all killed. We couldn’t have possibly survived that kind of impact. It dawned on me that I had been praying all the way down for God to save us or take us home. I prayed that my children and family would not suffer too much with the burden of losing their father, husband, brother in such a manner. I then realize that I am watching this scene play out in front of me and I am not a survivor. I died…

As I turn to look at the person standing next to me he nods his head in affirmation of my epiphany. A sense of relief rushes over me as goosebumps stand up and fall back again all over my body. I’m dead, but I’m alive and unafraid. I know I am safe and in the presence of Jesus. This short time for me on earth is complete and I will now go home and see my dad and grandparents again. There is solace in this feeling that I cannot explain in this short work. I only know that the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a dream that changed my life forever. My soul is claimed, safe and I’m okay.

Kevin D Parish

23 thoughts on “How is it with your soul?

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  1. What a dream!! I love how God speaks to us through our dreams! God, told me through a dream that one of my friends was thinking about suicide. And, if i wouldn’t have took it for serious she may not still be here, today. Dreams are crazy sometimes!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful couple. Your light shines from within, and together! 💕

    “We’re driving entirely too fast, and for whatever reason, our driver believes she can maintain control. Why she doesn’t slow down no one present in the car knows.”

    One of the most terrifying things I’ve read this year, Kevin (and I read a lot of horror stories).

    Glad you made it and you’re here to be a beacon of positivity and joy for all.

    Liked by 1 person

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