Blogger Recognition Award (#1)

I am honored to have received this Blogger Recognition Award from my dear fellow blogger Laura Venturini. Thank you very much, Laura, for recognizing me as one of your choices! Please check out her blog as she is inspiring, funny and just straight at you…

Award rules:

  • Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger Recognition Award. Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Nominate 10-15 other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

How I got started

A very close and dear friend with whom I shared many of my poems suggested (rather insistently) that I start a blog and share my work. Me, not having the confidence that anyone would spend a second reading anything I’ve written hesitated, but decided to take a chance. Why not?

Now, here I am with close to 500 posts and counting. I love writing and reading other’s works. Blogging practically replaced Facebook for me, not that I was ever hooked to FB, but I love the friends I have made from all around the globe. The diversity and love I find here is inspiring.

Two pieces of advice for new bloggers

Don’t be afraid to post and share the wealth of talent you have. Your story is unique and you will find that others can and will help you develop, if that is your goal. Talk about pretty much anything that is on your mind, but please be aware that you may not always get replies or comments. That’s okay!

If you’ve ever wanted to write poetry, lyrics, books or travel advice this is a great place to start. If you are an artist, photographer or have a one-word or one-line thought, then put it out here. We would love to see it. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to ask for advice from your favorite contributors… Trust me… these folks enjoy helping and you’ll make lots of new friends.


I would love for anyone who reads this to please feel free to share. I think the world of all of you and would love to here your advice.

Blessings to all!


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